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Map of Mozambique


Mozambique is ranked 40th out of 55 countries in Climatescope 2014, with a score of 0.79. It performed best in the area of LowCarbon Business and Clean Energy Value Chains Parameter III, and achieved high scores for its clean energy and energy access policies, both of which are components of Enabling Framework Parameter I.

In 2013, the country saw just $2m of investment in renewable energy (other than large hydro). This was a small fraction of the $50m committed since 2006, more than 95% of which was directed at biofuel production.

The 2.1GW Cahora Bassa large hydro plant represents more than 85% of Mozambique’s total power capacity. However, the discovery of fossil fuel deposits will broaden the mix as a 110MW gas-fired power plant and two coal-fired projects amounting to 900MW are being developed by independent power producers.

In 2011, the government introduced a renewable energy strategy, which set targets for 100MW of onshore wind and 125MW of small hydro power by 2025, as well as a renewable energy resource mapping program. It also aims to introduce feed-in tariffs and other renewable energy funding mechanisms. The off-grid sector has grown since the introduction of a rural electrification fund in 1997.


Overall Rank
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Regional Rank
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