Financing and investment



Clean Energy Investment & Climate Financing Parameter II looks at 14 indicators and accounts for the amount of clean energy investment a country attracts, the availability of local funds, the local cost of debt and green microfinance activity.

Uruguay finishes at the top of the Parameter I table after a remarkable year for new project financings. The story was somewhat similar in South Africa which has moved aggressively in recent years to diversify away from a reliance on coal through a series of tenders for power contracts. Other top scorers included China, which secured the most new funds for clean energy of any nation in 2013. The Climatescope methodology “levelized” the clean energy investment indicator against each country’s GDP to insure larger countries were not simply rewarded for being bigger.

Parameter I seeks to take into account not just activity in 2013 but rates of clean energy investment growth over the past seven years and cumulative investment. As a result, those countries that have either experienced activity only recently or have experienced no activity at all tended to fall to the bottom of the Parameter II rankings.

Regional average

%% %%
%% region.parameters[0].data[0].mean | round:2 %%
Topic rank Country Topic score 0.0 - 5.0 Average: %% countryTable.scoreAvg | round:2 %% Grid
%%[0].overall_ranking | leadingZero:2 %% %% %% States Provinces %%[0].value | round:2 %%
  • %%[0].value %% 
%% country.grid %%