Fujian scored 1.00 to rank 13th among the 15 Chinese provinces assessed on Climatescope 2014. It performed best on Low-Carbon Business Parameter III, and within this it scored its highest marks on the ‘value chains by clean energy sector’ indicator.
Fujian is located on China’s southeast coast and had a GDP of $359bn in 2013. In terms of power generation, it is a relatively low-carbon province thanks to well-developed hydropower and increasing investment in wind power. In 2013, it sourced 59.3% of its electricity needs from coal alone, out of a total of 162.4TWh. In the same year, it sourced 19.9% from renewables, 87.5% of which was generated by small hydropower.
Fujian has 8.8GW of installed renewable energy capacity, representing 22.6% of the total.
In 2013, the province received $292.1m in clean energy investment, a small fraction compared with the cumulative $4.2bn since 2006. During this period, the wind sector received by far the largest amount.
Fujian is host to nuclear energy, in addition to small hydropower.
Further wind expansion is expected too, if it is to meet its provincial 12th Five-Year Plan target of 2GW by 2015.
- State Rank
- %% statsCtrl.stateStats.state_ranking | leadingZero:2 %%
- Score
- %% statsCtrl.stateStats.value | round:2 %%
In detail
- Score
- %% param.data[0].value | round:2 %%
- Rank
- %% (param.data[0].overall_ranking || param.data[0].state_ranking) | leadingZero:2 %%
Parameter | Rank | Score | Value | Info |
%% ind_group.name %% | ||||
%% ind.name %% | %% ind.data[0].overall_ranking || '-' %% | %% ind.data[0].value | round:3 %% | %% (ind.data[0].raw.value | round:3) || '-' %%%% ind.data[0].raw.unit %% | Info |